
Australian Sailing


Australian Sailing recognises that privacy is important and providing personal information is an act of trust. Australian Sailing takes that seriously, and will manage your Information only in accordance with its Privacy Policy available at: https://www.sailing.org.au/about/privacy-policy/

Individuals must promptly advise their Affiliated Club of any change of name, address or other relevant identification and contact details, either in writing or electronically.

Individuals acknowledge and consent to Australian Sailing’s use of their personal information for the purpose of sending electronically or by other means, newsletters from Australian Sailing and Affiliated Clubs, which may include information of sponsors or other third parties.

Nacra Association of Australia Inc

Member/Crew/Parent OR Guardian Declaration

I hereby indemnify the Nacra Association of Australia Inc. (Nacra Association) including all state sub-branchs (State Associations) including its employees, committee members and volunteers against any loss, damage or personal injury arising as a result of myself or my child participating in any activity organised by the Nacra Associaton.

Release of Personal Infomration;

1. I agree that the Nacra Association and its employees and volunteers may exchange information about me or my child (as their parent or guardian) which includes the information I provide to administer my entry into nominated events and to run their business. 

2. I agree that descriptions and names of my boat, myself, my child (as their parent or guardian) and our results may be used by the Nacra Association to publicise and promote activities of the Nacra Association and may be released to the press and for a public audience. 

3. I agree that all information may be disclosed to necessary stakeholders in emergent situations and when bound by law to do so. 

4. I agree that the Nacra Association may use the information that I provide to inform me of other events and club promotions. If I do not want this I can let them know. email - treasurer@ausna.com.au

5. I acknowledge and consent to photographs of me and my child (as their parent or guardian) being take during participation in events and authorise the Nacra Association to use such photographs for promotion or other purposes without further consent being obtained. Further I consent to the Nacra Association using my or my child (as their parent or guardian) name, image, likeness at any time to promote the activities of the Nacra Association by any form of media.

Agreeing to these terms will constitute acceptance of the terms outlined in this membership application.