
The Nacra Association of Australia Inc was formed on 24th February 2012.

The objectives of the association are;

➢ To co-ordinate the affairs and activities of the state subcommittees within Australia
➢ To promote and further the interests of the Nacra class throughout Australia
➢ To co-ordinate all activities relating to the Australian Nacra championships and other events
➢ To promote, develop and encourage Nacra class racing under the class rules
➢ To co-ordinate and maintain communication between the manufacturer, Australian Sailing and the state subcommittees
➢ To make recommendations regarding the affairs and rules of the class to the manufacturer
➢ To maintain the one design manufacturers class concept and character of the Nacra catamaran
➢ To encourage and foster the enjoyment of the sporting and recreational aspects of sailing

So as to achieve these objectives the Association shall:

➢ Maintain affiliation with the International Nacra Class Association and Yachting Australia
➢ Associate with other bodies in the advancement of the sport of sailing
➢ Encourage the sailing and racing of the Class in Australia in accordance with the Class Rules:

Class Rules

The Class Rules will be specified by Nacra Association of Australia Inc provided that the Manufacturer may specify variations appropriate to design performance under Australian sailing conditions. All variations to the class rules specified by the Manufacturer shall be submitted to Nacra Association of Australia Inc and shall be ratified prior to implementation and shall further not be implemented during the period commencing on the first day of September in any one year and expiring on the last day of January in the year immediately following.

The Class Rules shall be made available by the Association and shall be accepted by the Measurer as the determining document.

Class Competition

The association shall annually sponsor a National Championship sailing event which shall be open either directly or through qualification to any member of the association. The championship event will be held at such a place within Australia as determined at the Annual Conference.

Each State District shall annually hold a State Championship event plus other Nacra class events as may be deemed necessary to fulfil the objectives of the association. These events will be held at locations within Australia as determined at the annual general meeting of the state sub-committees.

All of the forgoing events will be conducted in accordance with the Class Rules and the current Racing Rules of the International Yacht Racing Union with the prescriptions of YA.

No Class competition event shall be organised in the name of the Association without prior specific written approval of the association. This approval should be sought in writing with at least sixty days clear notice before the publication of the notice of the event.

Each state district sub-committee must advise the Secretary in writing of the planned program for the ensuing season buy the fifteenth day of September of any year in order that the national committee can ensure that
such programs do not invalidate any relevant insurance cover.

The association does not accept responsibility for the safety of boats or helmsmen or crew in any event, formal or informal, organised or sponsored by the association. All members are responsible for their own safety and that of their boats crew.

If you have any questions please email us: info@ausnacra.com.au